Can I Use

A shortcode for including embeds on your website

This will load the caniuse embed script every time a caniuse shortcode has been used. This shortcode uses the excellent caniuse embed script by Ire Aderinokun.


Global config

In the config.toml or config.yaml global values for the following variables can be set:

YAML config

      accessible_colors: true
      script_src: "/caniuse-emebd.js"

TOML config

accessible_colors = true
script_src = "/caniuse-emebd.js"


The caniuse shortcode takes the following arguments.

ArgumentDefault ValueValuesDescription
feature-StringThe feature to inclide, e.g. css-variables, css-grid, etc.
periodsfuture_1,current,past_1,past_2StringHow many past / future browsers to display. See periods below
accessible_colorsfalsetrue / falseSet to true if accessible colors should be used.

List of periods which can be used:

  • future_3
  • future_2
  • future_1
  • current
  • past_1
  • past_2
  • past_3
  • past_4
  • past_5

Example Usage

Minimal options

{{% caniuse feature="css-variables" %}}

All options

{{% caniuse feature="css-grid" periods="current,past_1,past_2" accessible_colors="true" %}}

Live Example

The caniuse shortcode is used on my private site, for example in the article “CSS Custom Properties and a new look”.